6 resultados para Molecular Medicine

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Highly structured small peptides are the major toxic constituents of the venom of cone snails, a family of widely distributed predatory marine molluscs. These animals use the venom for rapid prey immobilization. The peptide components in the venom target a wide variety of membrane-bound ion channels and receptors. Many have been found to be highly selective for a diverse range of mammalian ion channels and receptors associated with pain-signaling pathways. Their small size, structural stability, and target specificity make them attractive pharmacologic agents. A select number of laboratories mainly from the United States, Europe, Australia, Israel, and China have been engaged in intense drug discovery programs based on peptides from a few snail species. Coastal India has an estimated 20-30% of the known cone species; however, few serious studies have been reported so far. We have begun a comprehensive program for the identification and characterization of peptides from cone snails found in Indian Coastal waters. This presentation reviews our progress over the last 2 years. As expected from the evolutionary history of these venom components, our search has yielded novel peptides of therapeutic promise from the new species that we have studied.


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Sirtuin (Sir2) proteins being key regulators of numerous cellular processes have been, over the recent past, the subject of intense study. Sirs have been implicated in diverse physiological processes ranging from aging and cancer to neurological dysfunctions. Studies on Sir2s using tools of genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry and structural biology have provided significant insight into the diverse functions of this class of deacetylases. This apart, medicinal chemistry approaches have enabled the discovery of modulators (both activators and inhibitors) of Sir2 activity of diverse chemical structures and properties. The availability of these small molecule modulators of Sir2 activity not only has pharmacological significance but also opens up the possibility of exploiting chemical genetic approaches in understanding the role of this multi-functional enzyme in cellular processes.


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Exposure of oral cavity to areca nut is associated with several pathological conditions including oral submucous fibrosis (OSF). Histopathologically OSF is characterized by epithelial atrophy, chronic inflammation, juxtaepithelial hyalinization, leading to fibrosis of submucosal tissue and affects 0.5% of the population in the Indian subcontinent. As the molecular mechanisms leading to atrophied epithelium and fibrosis are poorly understood, we studied areca nut actions on human keratinocyte and gingival fibroblast cells. Areca nut water extract (ANW) was cytotoxic to epithelial cells and had a pro-proliferative effect on fibroblasts. This opposite effect of ANW on epithelial and fibroblast cells was intriguing but reflects the OSF histopathology such as epithelial atrophy and proliferation of fibroblasts. We demonstrate that the pro-proliferative effects of ANW on fibroblasts are dependent on insulin-like growth factor signalling while the cytotoxic effects on keratinocytes are dependent on the generation of reactive oxygen species. Treatment of keratinocytes with arecoline which is a component of ANW along with copper resulted in enhanced cytotoxicity which becomes comparable to IC50 of ANW. Furthermore, studies using cyclic voltammetry, mass spectrometry and plasmid cleavage assay suggested that the presence of arecoline increases oxidation reduction potential of copper leading to enhanced cleavage of DNA which could generate an apoptotic response. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP Nick End Labeling assay and Ki-67 index of OSF tissue sections suggested epithelial apoptosis, which could be responsible for the atrophy of OSF epithelium.


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Vibrational microspectroscopic (Raman and infrared (IR)) techniques are rapidly emerging as effective tools to probe the basic processes of life. This review mainly focuses on the applications of Raman and IR microspectroscopy to biology and biomedicine, ranging from studies on cellular components in single cells to advancement in techniques for in vitro to in vivo applications. These techniques have proved to be instrumental in studying the biological specimen with minimum perturbation, i.e. without the use of dyes and contrast-inducing agents. These techniques probe the vibrational modes of the molecules and provide spectra that are specific to the molecular properties and chemical nature of the species.